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Privacy Policy & Terms of Use

By using this website or if you access our Tuscaloosa County Park & Recreation Authority (PARA) app through the web, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to the following information and terms of use:


To make the PARA website responsive to the needs of our visitors, PARA collects information using standard features of browser software described below.


The following information is automatically collected and stored from all visitors accessing or downloading from the PARA website: the Internet domain and Internet Protocol address used to access our site; the type of browser and operating system used to access our site; the date and time a visitor accesses our site; the pages on our website that a user visits; and the website address used to link to the PARA website, if any. The information that is automatically collected may be used to: create summary statistics and to assess what information is of interest to visitors to the PARA website; to determine technical design specifications; and/or to identify system performance issues. This preceding automatically collected information is not reported or released unless PARA is legally required to do so.


When visitors provide information to the PARA website by sending an e-mail through the website, participating in a survey on the website, responding to feedback on the website, or by using a "contact us" form or other information voluntarily provided by a visitor to the PARA web site, PARA collects such information. All e-mail messages received by the PARA website contain the e-mail address of the sender and this e-mail address along with the content of this communication will be collected by PARA. Any electronic communications collected by PARA may become part of a public record to the extent provided by law and may be subject to public inspection if no legal exception from providing the information applies.


Does the PARA website use Cookies to Collect Information about a Visitor?

To help make our website more responsive to the needs of our visitors, PARA uses a standard feature of browser software, called a “cookie”, to assign each visitor a unique, random number that resides on a user’s computer. The cookie does not identify the visitor, just the computer that a visitor uses to access our site. Unless a visitor voluntarily identifies themselves, PARA does not know who the visitor is. Even if PARA assigns a cookie to a visitor’s computer, the only personal information a cookie can contain is information supplied by the visitor. A cookie cannot read unrelated data off a visitor’s computer. PARA uses cookies to help deliver a better, more personalized service. For example, PARA uses cookies to track the pages on the PARA website visited by users. PARA can build a better website if we know which pages and features our users are visiting and how often.


PARA WebTrac App

PARA is using MyFitApp powered by VSI/WebTrac, to integrate online registration and the PARA website seamlessly. VSI/WebTrac is an application that allows users to check the live availability of facilities, register online for programs and activities, purchase memberships, and check account information and purchase history. WebTrac can be used via the Web on a desktop computer, laptop, mobile phone, or tablet.  


Policy Revisions

Tuscaloosa County Park & Recreation Authority may revise this Privacy Policy & Terms of Use and Disclaimer on the PARA website periodically. Policy revisions will be posted here.