2024-2025 Key Dates & Information:
Age Groups and Fees:
• K-1st Grade:
• Fee: $110.00
• Format: 3 vs 3 teams
• Maximum Players per Team: 6
• 2nd - 6th Grade:
• Registration: $160.00
• Team Finalization: After Nov. 4
• Season Schedules Released: After Nov. 22
Coaches Meetings (BELK):
• K-1: October 30, 2024 at 6:00 PM
• 2nd-3rd: October 30, 2024 at 7:00 PM
• 4th-6th: October 30, 2024 at 8:00 PM
Season Schedule:
• Practice Start Date: November 7, 2024
• Uniform Pickup: November 20-22 or December 2-3 at Belk
• Games (Target) Begin: After December 5, 2024
• Winter Break (No Games): December 22, 2024 - January 5, 2025
• Season End and Championship Saturday: TBA Mid February
Questions? Issues? Contact Ty Morgan, email tmorgan@tcpara.org or 205.562.3200.
Grades K-1, 2-3
How to Register:
o How do I register? Families can register their children by visiting on of seven PARA Activity Centers, or by registering online. A birth certificate is required for each participant.
o To register online: Tuscaloosa Basketball Association | Tuscaloosa County Parks & Recreation Authority (tcpara.org)
o To upload a birth certificate go here: PARA Birth Certificate Submission Form:
o When I try to register my child, the system states that there are no eligible family members for that purchase. What do I do? The error indicates that the child’s grade level is not listed in their profile. Because our basketball league registration is done by grade level, children must be registered by grade level.
o To correct the issue, follow these steps:
- 1. Please make sure your child's school grade is entered into the system in "My Account" prior to registration. If this step is not completed, you may receive an error message such as "no family member eligible for that registration."
- 2. To correct this, navigate to "My Account" > "Household & Member" > select the correct family member & then enter grade info.
- A. For Kindergarten, use .50
- B. For Grades 1-6, use their respective number.
General Information & Age Divisions:
- Kindergarten/COED-1ST Grade/COED:
- o How will teams be formed? The short answer is that the Futures League teams are dictated by school zone. The specific breakdown is as follows:
- o Kindergarten-COED & 1ST Grade-COED: These leagues are "3 on 3" and played half court on 8-foot goals. Coaches administer the games and no officials are present. A head coach and assistant coach may reserve two spots on their roster for their own two children. The rest of the team will be formed via a draft. School zone specific coaches will receive a list of the players registered in their school zone. Coaches will meet in person to conduct a draft. Maximum roster per team is 6 players.
- GRADES 2-3:
2ND GRADE BOYS | 2ND GRADE GIRLS | 3RD GRADE BOYS | 3RD GRADE GIRLS: - o Participants in 2ND and 3RD grade playing within the Futures League will split into their respective age divisions. The focus will remain on the fundamentals of basketball. These leagues are "5 on 5" and played on 9-foot goals.
- o 2ND & 3RD Grade Boys and Girls: These are four separate leagues. However, depending upon the number of children registered, 2ND and 3RD Grade may be combined to ensure there are enough teams. A head coach and assistant coach may reserve two spots on their roster for their own two children. The rest of the team will be formed via a draft. Coaches will meet in person to conduct a draft. Maximum roster is 10 players.
- o Attention: Should a school zone not have enough registered players to form a team, children will be placed in the closest school zone with a team. The 2ND and 3RD Grade groups will be drafted in the same manner as the other teams.
o Where will team's practice and play games? Practices and games depend on school zone. PARA has been able to gain access to many school zone gyms by partnering with the Tuscaloosa City and Tuscaloosa County school systems. PARA's goal is to have children practice and play at school campuses or the nearest PARA facility.
- o When and where will evaluations be done for the 2ND and 3RD Grade groups? No evaluations will be conducted for these age groups.
- **Please note, if there are not enough registered players in each individual age division, PARA will combine them before selecting teams. This will allow for a well-rounded league where participants will not have to play the same team repeatedly.
Registration Deadline: 10/17/2024
Coaches Meetings:
10/30/2024, Belk Center 6:00 PM - (K-1ST COED)
10/30/2024, Belk Center 7:00 PM - (2ND-3RD Boys and Girls)
Phelps Activity Center
McAbee Activity Center
Select School Facilities
- Grades K-1 coed
- Grades 2-3 boys & girls team
- $110 per player K-1ST
- $160 per player 2RD-3RD
Grades 4-6
General Information & Age Divisions:
The Capstone League will be separated into two conferences:
A. The Druid City Conference
B. The Black Warrior Conference
o How will teams be formed? The Capstone Leage will have 4TH, 5TH, and 6TH Grade teams for boys and girls. The core philosophy behind the Capstone League is to form teams based on high school zones in order to help our middle and high school's basketball programs around the county build for the future.
o Important: Every team playing in our league is a Tuscaloosa Basketball Association aka "TBA" team which is the basketball league for PARA. However, middle school and high school coaches and their staff can be hands-on with the teams playing for the TBA who represent their school zone. As teams are formed, they will be put into conferences. Below is a brief explanation of each conference and an example to help you better understand the process.
**Please note: Having multiple conferences will be dependent upon the number of registered players. Conferences below represent the maximum number per age group.
1. Druid City Conference: "A" rated team or teams from each school zone
2. Black Warrior Conference: "B" rated team or teams for each school zone
o Attention: Should a school zone not have enough registered players to form a team, children will be placed in the closest school zone with a team. The 4TH, 5TH, and 6TH grade groups will be drafted in the same manner as other teams.
Example: 30 players register for the 4TH grade team in a particular school zone. Enough players have registered throughout the league to sustain multiple conferences. The coaches and Advisory Committee conduct a tryout day for these 30 players.
The coaches determine that 10 players have separated themselves as the top 10 players in that school zone so those 10 become a team and get placed into the Capstone/Druid City Conference. The coaches them decide to evenly divide up the remaining 20 players into 2 teams of 10 players each and they get placed into the Black Warrior Conference.
**Please note: Coaches will be given the choice to decide the team draft/placement process. Should they decide there are enough quality players to place multiple teams in the Druid City Conference, they will be able to do that.
o Where will teams practice and play games? PARA has been able to partner with most of the schools across the county. The plan will be for as many school-zone related teams to practice and play games on campus when possible. Practice availability charts will be given to coaches at the conclusion of player team announcements. Games will be played at a combination of school campuses and PARA activity centers.
o Will teams in different conferences play each other? No, teams will play an in-conference schedule only.
o My child attends a private school locally, can they play in the Capstone League? Absolutely, players that attend a private school, that has a TBA league, must play for that school's team.
**Please note: Players that attend a private school, that has a TBA league, must play for that school's team. If the private school does not have a league team, TBA/PARA staff will place the player or players in the school league they will play in.
o When and where will tryouts take place? Each school zone will set a date and time for Capstone League evaluations. This process and these dates and times will be announced once registration closes.
Registration Deadline: 10/17/2024
Coaches Meeting:
This 10/30/2024, Belk Center, 8:00 PM - (4TH-6TH Gade Boys and Girls)
Belk Activity Center
Miller Activity Center
Faucett Activity Center
Select school facilities
4th Grade boys & girls teams
5th Grade boys & girls teams
6th Grade boys & girls teams
- $160 per player
All coaches must complete an application for each program they wish to coach with.
Coach safely training and background checks must be completed each year.
Contact Us
Please use the form below to contact us.